Honorary Advisor
| Jury Panel
Jury Panel
GBA 2023 Jury Panel is formed by an independent and diverse group of local and overseas industry professionals and academia. The Jury Panel is responsible for granting projects / organisations with Grand Award, Pioneer Award or Merit Award, as well as Special Citation.
Prof. TAI Lee-siang
Head of Pillar, Architecture and Sustainable Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Former Chairperson, World Green Building Council |
Ar. Benny CHAN Chak-bun
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects |
Deputy Chief Executive
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency |
Mr Paul CHAN
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects |
Mr Wallace CHANG Ping-hung
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture
The University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Leslie CHEN, JP
Retired Dean, Faculty of Design and Environment
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong |
Ms Amy CHEUNG Yi-mei, JP
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners |
Mr Freeman CHEUNG
Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals |
Mr Barry CHU Kei-ming
Assistant Director (Electricity and Energy Efficiency) of Electrical and Mechanical Services
The Government of the HKSAR |
Prof. Paul CHU
Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Head, Department of Architecture
Hong Kong Chu Hai College |
Mr Peter CHUI Si-kay, JP
Director of Drainage Services (Ag.)
The Government of the HKSAR |
Mr Ivan CHUNG Man-kit, JP
Director of Planning
The Government of the HKSAR |
Mr Michael FONG Hok-shing, JP
Director of Civil Engineering and Development
The Government of the HKSAR |
Mr Keith HUANG
Vice President
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects |
Ar. Julia LAU Man Kwan
Vice President
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects |
Mr James LEE
First Vice President
Hong Kong Construction Association |
Mr Thomas LEE
Immediate Past President
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners |
Mr Daniel LEUNG Hung-wai
Assistant Director (Development and Procurement) of Housing
The Government of the HKSAR |
Sr Robin LEUNG Chi-tim
Vice President
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors |
Ir Prof. POON Chi-sun, JP
Michael Anson Professor in Civil Engineering
Chair Professor, Sustainable Construction Materials
Director, Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality
Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Prof. Nora TAM Fung-yee
Chair Professor, Environmental Science and Conservation
School of Science and Technology
Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
Prof. Hendrik TIEBEN
Director, School of Architecture
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Mr Edward TSE Cheong-wo, JP
Director of Architectural Services
The Government of the HKSAR |
Hon. Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP
Legislative Council Member (Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape) |
Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design |
Prof. Jonathan WONG, BBS, MH, JP
Professor, Institute of Bioresource and Agriculture
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Sr Paul WONG Kwok-leung
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors |
Dr Wei WU
Assistant Professor, School of Energy and Engineering
City University of Hong Kong |
Mr YAU Hau-yin
Assistant Director (Supply and Distribution (New Territories) Division) of Water Supplies
The Government of the HKSAR
Sr Prof. Gary YEUNG Man-kai
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management
Ms Clarice YU Po-mei, JP
Director of Buildings
The Government of the HKSAR |
Ir Keith YUE Wai-pui
Chairman, Building Services Division
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers |
Prof. Eric ZHANG Xue-qing
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Remarks: The Organisers have taken all necessary precautions to ensure a transparent and fair judging process. Directors, related committee members and staff of the Organisers are refrained from joining the Jury Panel. A proper process of declaration of interest is also in place to ensure fairness during the whole course.